Premium Listing -
Share about the products/services you are featuring this season with a premium listing just like this!. You get featured on the Home Page in our "Featured Businesses" section. Also with your featured listing you will get:
3 images & one logo to list on your featured business page (this page)
Featured in the top section of your category page
Your photo/logo in the listing (large)
Your Business name will be listed within your selected category page
Your listing will link to your website, product or social platform
Up to 1000 character description of your business or products ( you provide)
Your Business
Because you get up to 1000 characters, you can list more details about your business, services and products to connect with your audience here. The green button below will link to your businesses url or social account (whichever one you provide).
With the premium listing, you also get to include 3 additional images to share about your products and business.